Transaction bitcoin first recorded in Afghanistan?

Transaction bitcoin first recorded in Afghanistan?

The sun beat down on blistering 120 degrees in the desert of Helmand. The air was dry and tense as the two bitcoin business , and yours truly Adam Locklin , shook hands and they made ​​a deal in bitcoin .

A robust Partagas cigar traded hands, sent Adam 0.1 BTC , and so conclude what we believe is the first recorded bitcoin transaction Afghanistan .

This simple exchange rate for a few lessons if bitcoin is really going to work in Afghanistan and other remote parts of the developing world:

Most countries have an exchange

Adam and I were talking about local Afghans , the other day, and despite his enthusiasm for the new currency , I realized that I had no practical way to get bitcoin . Personally I could make Afghans, or dollars, and send the equivalent BTC , but that does not seem a big enough for a large problem.

Afghanistan needs a local presence , whether Bitcoin Hawala dealers on a modified concept , ATMs at fixed sites or Internet exchanges . The local distributor concept could catch on, given the history of the region with the casual confidence , traffic cash from peer-to -peer . Most Afghans do not have regular access to the web and make use of public internet cafes , so I do not see exchanges like Mt. Bitcoinbd or Coinbase , working for the average of Afghanistan yet. Send a ceasefire and a decade , and maybe things will change.

Once the Bitcoin Afghans who need an easy way to spend

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